We offer affordable service contracts with 24/7 Emergency Service – Call for Details

The best way to prevent expensive boiler repairs is get your unit serviced regularly by a professional. Utilizing the qualified technicians at Emergency Boiler Repair Long Island is a fantastic way to keep your boiler tanks free of sediment buildup and make sure that your radiant floors are free of any potential issues. Detecting problems like these, before they become huge issues, will save you time and money. In addition, regular tune-ups will keep you abreast of any hidden issues that cannot be detected by performance problems.


If you are in the Nassau County and Suffolk County areas, we can provide you with 24 hour boiler maintenance and repair services. Give us a call today and find out about our energy saving plans.


Does your boiler have issues with leaking, banging, inefficient heating, and more? Our techs are certified to analyze, maintain, and repair boilers of all makes and models. They will:

  1. Run diagnostics in order to determine the specific problem plaguing your particular boiler
  2. Present you with several affordable repair or maintenance options
  3. Complete repair or maintenance quickly and at your convenience

Every heating system in your home needs regular maintenance, this practice will ensure you get the very best quality you have paid for. Boiler service Long Island will result in higher comfort, cost savings and a more secure heating system.

Boiler service Long Island

With boiler service and maintenance tune-ups, boiler performance and efficiency can be increased by re-establishing and adjusting the correct air-fuel mixture. A qualified, experienced and skilled professional should always handle this service for you. Some practices involved in periodic boiler cleaning, service and maintenance tune-ups include adjusting and cleaning the pilot lights, igniters, dampers, and burner tips. When the boiler tubes are cleaned, efficiency levels are increased and the risk of the tube cracking is reduced too. The boiler vessel should also be drained from time to time. This is done to remove any accumulation of sediments in the vessel.

Before boiler maintenance services

The person in charge of supervising adherence to maintenance tune-ups should do the following in preparation:

  • Identify relevant equipment, goals, regulations and limitations for the procedure
  • Gather boiler drawings, manufacturers specifications and datasheet
  • Identify instruments and their calibration
  • Identify location measurements and confirm access
  • Set up a time frame for the maintenance tune-up

During boiler tune-up

A qualified boiler service Long Island technician should:

  • Inspect boiler to identify problems and make necessary changes
  • Insect systems and ensure proper calibration
  • Measure performance of combustion control system
  • Make necessary adjustments to the system
  • Measure working condition after adjustments


All important information should be duly recorded by the person in charge. Results of pre-adjustments, measurements were taken, adjustments, boiler capabilities and recommendations for equipment are all important.

The best time to schedule a boiler service

Any time between April and August is good to schedule boiler service on Long Island.  This is the time when everyone has forgotten the cold winter and is enjoying summer, but that makes it the perfect time to prepare for the next cold season. Putting off boiler service during this time is tempting because of the many other relaxing activities to engage in. Consider some advantages of getting the job done during summer or spring and not fall.

  • Adequate time for repairs: your local boiler experts will have more time to critically inspect the unit and make all necessary repairs before the cold comes.
  • Availability and suitability: everyone else is hurrying to do this in the fall because winter is near, but you have more flexibility with your appointment in summer or spring.
  • Early diagnosis: we can identify any serious problems ahead of time so you can replace your system before winter if necessary

Your boiler service Long Island contractor will give you a maintenance schedule and you should keep to this to enjoy the many benefits. Your system will have an extended lifespan, you will be comfortable in winter and you will save money on energy costs. Professional cleaning, service and maintenance tune-ups will protect your boiler system and save you more money in the long run.